The Ukrainian science achieved great success after the Second World War. The Ukrainian scientist Korolyov was one of the noted space designers. Ukraine’s scientists developed the “ Vulcan” u">
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Реферат - Culture and science in Ukraine

[ Загрузити з сервера (3.1 Kb) ] 30.11.2011, 12:03

The Ukrainian science achieved great success after the Second World War. The Ukrainian scientist Korolyov was one of the noted space designers. Ukraine’s scientists developed the “ Vulcan” unit for welding in space. Yevhen Paton and his son Boris are well- known all over the world as masters in the field of electric welding. The people of Ukraine are proud of their culture too. You must know the name of the great philosopher Skovoroda. The play “ Natalka Poltavka ” by Kotlyarevsky, the historical novel ” Taras Bulba ” by Gogol, the “ Kobzar “ by Shevchenko, the poems by Lesya Ukrainka are well – known not only in Ukraine but abroad as well. The three most noted dramatists at the end of the 19th century were: Starytsky, Kropyvnytsky, Karpeko- Kary. The film director Dovzhenko, the great opera singe Krushelnytska, later Matvienko and Solovyanenko, Ivsiuk made Ukrainian music culture famous in the world. Ukrainian literature and arts developed very successfully in the 60s. Among the most prominent authors were: in poetry Kostenko, Drach, Vingranovsky, Symonenko, Hutsal, Tiutiunnyk, Shevchyk; in drama: Kolomiyets, Honchar. Stus, Holoborodko, Drozd, Kalynets developed the literature in the 70s. At present Ukrainian books are translated into many languages. Writers have got more freedom over the last year.
Категорія: Англійська | Тип: Уроки | Добавив: valkyrja
Переглядів: 1252 | Загрузок: 425 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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